Who says ukay-ukay products can no longer be haggled? You might think that it is impossible to haggle ukay ukay items since they are retailed at relatively low prices. Surprisingly, ukay ukay items can be haggled only if you posses the skills of a master haggler, and I am going to teach you tips on how to be one.
Do not ever attempt to haggle items under the New Arrivals section because the saleslady or store owners would unlikely accept your offer. Avoid getting your hopes high by not considering items under New Arrivals section as subjects for haggling. New arrival items always come in expensive prices, well not as expensive as the original retail, but more expensive than what are usually found on ukay-ukay stores.
Photo Credit: cebusociologist.woordpress.com
Start haggling with the highest poossible amount, beg a P50 discount from the saleslady. If she refuses, try to ask again and say that you are out of budget and you are stil a student; trust me this trick works all the time. If she continues to refuse, then lower your offer to P30, sooner or later, she will accept your offer. But if she still does not accept the offer, open the topic on hoow you roughly survuve a week with your trivial allowance, indulge in a free flowing conversation and if you gain her trust, then surely you could get what you want.
Photo credit: blog.chinatravel.net
Be modest and meek at all times. When you go to an ukay-ukay store, dress simply, do not wear jewelries and do not bring luxury items. The saleslady might think that you can afford to buy expensive things and she might overprice the items that you want to purchase. Keep a simple conversation in your own dialect, do not use any foreign language while talking to her. She might speculate that you come from a wealthy family, and a product of an international school; so, she might charge beyond the real price of the item.
If the tips above did not work for you, then might as well draw your best card. Find defects on the item that you consider purchasing. Find visible holes, stretches, garter defects, and other malfunctions that can be pointed out on that item. This will give you a valid reason why they should offer the item at a lower price and there is no way for them to refuse from giving you the discount you want.
Haggling is an art of negotiating between two parties with conflicting interest. To fill in the gap of conflict, one must give way for the other to succeed, but neither of them are losers nor winners. Haggling is never bad especially for people who want to save for something. But, bear in mind that too much of everything is dangerous. If you haggle too much, the store might run out of business and might lose a life they yearn for.
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