The Implication of Ukay-Ukay Business
How To Disinfect Ukay-Ukay Shoes
Confession of an Ukay-Ukay Addict: My Ultimate Item
The Art of Haggling
Who says ukay-ukay products can no longer be haggled? You might think that it is impossible to haggle ukay ukay items since they are retailed at relatively low prices. Surprisingly, ukay ukay items can be haggled only if you posses the skills of a master haggler, and I am going to teach you tips on how to be one.
Do not ever attempt to haggle items under the New Arrivals section because the saleslady or store owners would unlikely accept your offer. Avoid getting your hopes high by not considering items under New Arrivals section as subjects for haggling. New arrival items always come in expensive prices, well not as expensive as the original retail, but more expensive than what are usually found on ukay-ukay stores.
Confession of an Ukay Ukay Addict: I Can't Resist Shopping
I have to resist, but I can not help myself from buying all those shining items filled with glaring gllitters.
The sound of shoppers hardly haggling appeal to me like an orchestra, the smell of chemical additives are as fragrant as poignant roses, and the cluttered ukay ukay store seems like a palace in my perspective. Ukay ukay stores are really unruly, they have this environment that are not fit for people who seek comfort, they are for people who dare to go to the wild. I am one of those people, those people who are ready to be eaten alive just to get something, those people who boldly face challenges in their lives. I am an ukay ukay addict and nothing, I reiterate, nothing could ever stop me from being one, not even my trivial allowance.
Everytime I am on an ukay ukay store, I cannot help myself but pick any random item and reach out for my wallet. My conscience never shows up whenever I am inside the ukay ukay store, I just shop like there is no tomorrow and like I never have to live with a very small allowance. There was one time when I entered an ukay ukay store with PhP 500 at hand, and when I stepped out of the store, I took a peek at my wallet and realized that I am left only with a fifty peso bill. The five hundred pesos was supposed to be my allowance for the whole week, but it turned out that I only have to survive the whole week with fifty pesos.
Ukay ukay stores just make me go gaga. It's like taking me to somewhere I have never been before, and that place is utopia where strawberry fields blossom, where chocolates grow anywhere. Whenever I enter an ukay ukay store, I start to forget all my troubles and all my cares, all I worry about is how to make a great deal and how to choose wisely. I forget my life in the outside world and live the life inside the ukay ukay store. I feel like I have been trapped inside a space where time freezes and happiness exist.
Ukay ukay shopping is my hobby. I never get pass through a week witout passing by an ukay ukay store amidst my busy college schedule. I always find time to unwind, release myself from all the stresses and escape from the hectic world of a college student. Ukay ukay shopping means everything to me since this is the only time when I am just me without anyone dictating me what to do and without anyone pressuring me for the things that I should not do.
I cannot help myself but shop in an ukay ukay store, even though I have nothing left in my pocket. I just wanted to be there all the time, to pick the items of my choice and to be just me. Maybe the reason why I am a shopping addict is that I want to go to that world where no one is dictating me what to do, where no one can exert their authority over me, where I can experience the real feeling of absolute freedom. Psychologically I have felt that ukay ukay shopping relieve my stresses, but I can never replace the comfort my family gives whenever I feel stressed. But the thing here is that I am away from my family right now, maybe that is why ukay ukay shopping makes me feel relaxed as of this point.
What Not To Buy: Under Wears
Health Hazards of Used Clothing
Second hand clothes are indeed a great deal for people who love fashion without sacrificing a lot of money. But, is it right to sacrifice health just to save money?
Based on testimonies on some people, buying ukay-ukay shoes also have affected their bone structure and brought discomfort to their feet. Experts have pointed out that this is caused by the unmatched sizes of the previous owner's foot to the ukay-ukay buyer. Mismatched sizes often happen because the foot size of an average American woman is different from the foot size of an average Filipino woman. If the size of the shoes is not the contour of the person's feet, then normally, aching heel and sore toe occurs which could cause long term damage to the bone.
Ukay-ukay also may cause asthma and difficulty in breathing. According to some accounts of ukay ukay shoppers, they have experienced difficulty in breathing while they are at an ukay-ukay store. Experts say that this due to the response of our system's antibodies to the viruses present on the ukay-ukay items. Furthermore, experts pointed out the effect brought by chemical additives that are added onto the clothes and other products. These chemical additives prolong the shelf life of the ukay ukay items and preserve the quality of the items; if inhaled, these chemical additives may cause asthma and difficulty in breathing.
However, some ukay ukay store owners and retailers claim that they have disinfected their products long before they are displayed in their stores. Some say that their suppliers have already cleaned and disinfected it before it enters the Philippine market. Then again, we can never assure that they have really done such a thing since we did not see whether they have done it or not. But one thing is for sure- that ukay ukay products are hazardous to one's health if they have not been disinfected thoroughly.
How To Disinfect Ukay-Ukay Clothes
In the previous post, we have discussed about the health effects brought by ukay-ukay items. These effects could only be realized if we do not properly disinfect the items that we bought. Now, it's about time to know how to disinfect ukay-ukay clothes properly.
Before washing the clothes, hang them under the heat of the sun for two hours, but if you think two hours is not enough, then you can hang them for three hours. Sun is the ultimate disinfectant, all germs thriving in your clothes will surely be annihilated. Set the maximum time for hanging the clothes under the sun because the clothes might lose their vibrant color if they are too much exposed to the sun's rays, four hours is enough to kill all the germs present in your clothes.
After hanging the clothes, put them on a basin filled with hot water (around 80 degrees Celsius) and let them stay for thirty minutes. The hot water will make sure that there is not a single spot left for germs to mutate. Boiling water is also a classic disinfectant known to our ancestors long before hazardous chemical disinfectants were invented. But, you really have to be careful because boiling water can be as dangerous as chemical disinfectants since they can ruin the quality of the clothes. What you can do to prevent from damaging the quality of the clothes is to moderate the temparature of the water by adding an adequate amount of cold water.